*Pre-note: A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to the folks at Bustle Magazine, where this was originally published on May 23, 2018. Kristine Fellizar, a writer at Bustle, who skillfully combined the contributions of myself and another professional Astrologer. Kristine is an absolute delight to work with. Thank you again, Bustle!!!!!!
If you're looking for something solid, stable, and long-term, try dating an Earth sign. Earth is the most solid element, which naturally makes an Earth sign partner more reliable and dependable than anyone else, astrologer Amy Tripp, tells Bustle. Since they're all about their physical senses, they're also known for being very sensual and good where it counts. But like all signs, dating a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn does come with its fair share of challenges. According to astrologers, knowing how the element of Earth influences each sign can make it much easier for you to understand them.
In case you didn't already know, Western Astrology categorizes every zodiac sign into one of four elements: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. "Each element has its own characteristic tendencies," astrologer Cindy Mckean, tells Bustle. For instance, the Fire element brings boldness, creativity, and abundant energy to its signs. The Air element is known for being quick, dynamic, communicative, and intellectual. The Water element brings sensitivity, imagination, and emotional depth to the signs it rules. And finally, the Earth element "colors its signs" with practicality, solidity, and endurance."
With signs that are part of the Earth element, besides being pragmatic, stoic, and durable, common traits you'd find among them include being economic, efficient, and reliable," she says. "If predictability, stability, and longevity is important to you, an Earth sign just might be your ideal partner."
Clearly, there are a lot of things to love about Earth signs. But as we all know, every sign comes with both good and challenging aspects. According to Mckean and Tripp, here are the most difficult things about dating an Earth sign.
They're Very Grounded In Reality

Can you expect anything less? They are Earth signs, after all. Being grounded in reality means that Earth signs might place a ton of value on what they see in front of them. "Too much involvement with the material world can lead to a narrow vision or lack of imagination," Tripp says. "Earth signs are often closed off to the realm of the unseen, which can limit their ability to connect to spirituality." So these aren't typically the signs that will fall in love at first sight. If you're dating them, your actions need to match up with your words. You also might not expect them to get super excited about what the future of your relationship is going to look like until they're all-in. That can be challenging for some of the more dreamy signs who like fantasizing with their partners about what the future can hold. But the good news is, once an Earth sign is fully in, they're in it for a long time. Just expect them to still be practical about it.
They Stick To Their Routines And Get Easily Bothered If It Doesn't Go As Planned

"Because Earth signs seek stability and routine they can become stuck when it’s time to make a change," Tripp says. They're not very go-with-the flow and because of that, they're likely to stay in situations that aren’t the best for their growth. So if you're someone who craves adventure and likes spontaneity, dating an Earth sign is going to be challenging. If you're dating a Taurus, in particular, Mckean says making plans and actually following through are super important. "A wrench in the gears can really knock Taurus for a loop," she says. Unlike some people who can easily brush off a last minute change, some Earth signs can't. For Taurus, last minute cancellations can throw them off and really bum them out.
They're Very Serious About Work First, Play Later

"Since the Earth element is focused on the material world, too much can make one materialistic and focused on possessions," Tripp says. Earth signs are known for being hard workers. They just need stability in their lives in order to feel comfortable enough to relax and enjoy it. But as you would guess, this can cause an imbalance for them. Earth signs have a tendency to focus too much on work that it can affect their personal relationships.
Capricorn, in particular, is known for being the hardest working sign among the entire zodiac. According to Mckean, they're very practical and straightforward. For some, that seriousness can be a little off-putting. But that doesn't mean they don't make great partners. "When they seek a partner, they want someone that will walk beside them," she says. "As a partner and lover, Capricorns are fair, gracious, dedicated, and occasionally they schedule in fun. Once a Capricorn has found what they're looking for, they know better than to not value it properly."
Their Relationships Tend To Move At A Slow Pace

"Earth signs aren't into frivolity, one-night stands, fly-by-night romances, or dreamy castles in the sky," Mckean says. "If you want to get involved with an Earth sign, they mean business." Earth signs take their time to really get to know someone before making any commitments. They don't typically jump from one relationship to the next and they're not the most flirtatious of signs. That's because Earth is the slowest moving element. According to Tripp, that makes Earth signs more cautious and reserved when it comes to important things like matters of the heart. "They like to think things through before acting," she says. "They are often methodical and thorough in their approach." If you're dating an Earth sign, just expect to go at a slow and steady pace. It may be challenging, but if you're patient, it can pay off in the very best ways.
They Don't Like Major Change

Since Earth signs value stability, major changes can really bother them. Tauruses, in particular, are known for being headstrong and extremely stubborn. "They're as solid as a mountain," Mckean says. "Once they find a comfortable seat, they find no reason to leave it." For some, that can be kind of boring. If you're someone who likes to try new restaurants or exploring exotic places, convincing an Earth sign to get on board can be quite the challenge. If you want to shake things up with them, introduce new things in your relationship slowly. Give them some time to get used to one thing before bringing up another and you should be fine.
They're Very Practical When It Comes Money

As you know, Earth signs place a ton of value on stability and material goods, and they work really hard in order to have everything they want. When it comes to finances, it's no surprise that Earth signs are very practical with their money. Virgo, for instance, is the more frugal sign in the zodiac. "While being good with money is a good trait, the more gregarious and comfort seeking signs would find this trait off-putting," Mckean says. Since money tends to be a major source of issues for a lot couples, this can be a challenge if your spending habits are incompatible. But if money issues aren't a problem, then you'll have a really great partner in Virgo. "They are very tender hearted and are unlikely to love more than once in their life," she says.
They're Not The Most Romantic Of Signs

According to Tripp, Earth signs rely on their senses when making decisions, so they're very practical and efficient. Unless you're a Venus-ruled Taurus, romance isn't really in their nature. Even so, a Taurus would prefer the simple, sensual pleasures over something grand. So if you're someone who expects a ton of romance in your relationship, getting your Earth sign to do it can be a challenge. You may have to hint or outright tell them that you want more romantic date nights each month. But at the end of the day, it really comes down to what you value in a relationship. Are romantic gestures more important to you than loyalty and stability? If so, there are other elements who tend to be way better at romance.
Pretty much every person you end up dating will have things about them that you like and things you won't like as much. Although Earth signs may be too practical and slow-moving for some, they're stable, loyal, and take love super seriously. So if you want something long-term, an Earth sign is a really great option.
Want to read the article on Bustle instead? Available at: https://www.bustle.com/p/the-7-most-difficult-things-about-dating-earth-sign-9187421