Cindy Mckean
- May 17, 2016
- 2 min
The Astrology-Palmistry Connection
Published in the Psychical Research Society of Kansas City (PRS KC) Newsletter in May 2016. A very special thanks to the PRS Board!...
Cindy Mckean
- Apr 5, 2016
- 3 min
Birth times: Where and how to get yours.
A lot of people who want to get an Astrology reading might feel discouraged to do so because they don't have their exact time of birth...
Cindy Mckean
- Apr 16, 2015
- 2 min
More on Living on a Pluto Line
Not to long ago I wrote about how it is like to live on a Pluto line. You can find that post here: Living With Pluto. In summary, I wrote...